Garmin Recall

The Garmin Company has recently come across with some bad problems with their new devices of Global Positioning Systems. According to the media more than one million Global Positioning navigation devices have been added to the Garmin Recall List recently. According to an estimate about eight hundred thousand devices of this Navigation system had been sold to the United States of America. the Company has said that the Garmin Recall products have come across with a huge problem which is related to the battery of these devices. This battery problem can cause the wires to heat up and due to overheating a fire may break out. The Garmin recall list includes the ten devices which were affected by this problem in which a fire had broken out.

The manufacturers were lucky that the fire did not damage any property or life. The Garmin Company can easily identify the defected products by the serial number given to each device. The people can check if their device is defected or not by the website of Garmin where they will enter the serial number and see the list of Garmin recall. If the navigational device of anyone is in the recall list then they can send it back to the Company for repairs. The Company will replace the battery with a new one which will not be harmful in the future and this whole process will be free of any charges. The details about the models of Garmin devices have been posted on the internet and the people can easily check them on the website as well.


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