Glenn Beck News

Glenn Beck News : Apart from joining the locals in a deep laugh and satisfied on the whole "stay away the green line" issue, I'm not sure what to say about "this weekend Glenn Beck sings a song Of Myself "rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Oddly, people seemed very concerned about how it will place the same day of Mars history of Martin Luther King in Washington this week, despite the fact that it was known from the get-go. I never thought that this was necessary, but on the off chance you're confused as to whether Glenn Beck and Martin Luther King are the same person, here are some extensive research to show that Media Matters is not the case.

As Dave Weigel noted, it may be more interesting to be angry about "how bs Beck 's sales" of the rally. Not that this break with a tradition established Beck's! But as Ken Vogel Politico reported, what is remarkable is that the Act fameball Beck's starting to annoy some of its allies nominal growing skepticism of his reasons:

The rally and Beck's increased incursions politics have made him an object of suspicion among some conservatives, even though they recognize its influence and potential importance as a spokesman.

"The conservative movement is still divided on Glenn and if he does it to himself or failure of the movement," said Erick Erickson, founder of the influential conservative blog Red State. Erickson said he has offered to assist the team in Beck's political exploits, which in the past year have included a major battle with the White House, creating a network of perhaps hundreds political groups, and the keynote address at a major conservative political conference. "Until this issue is resolved, I think you'll see some groups are reluctant to go with him."

Some party leaders have rejected calls for Beck's tea to help the event because of concerns about his fiery rhetoric and fears that it seeks to capitalize on their expertise and organizational basis of credibility for his own interest Financial, providing little in return.

"They even give us a booth," said a leader of a group linked Tea Party that rejected Beck's prayers. "I was angry at their presumption that a relatively small organization like ours would be the use our ties to promote an event where Glenn Beck and FreedomWorks are presented, and we do not receive recognition at all. No Thanks. "

Well, Beck's promotion wildly melodramatic video of the rally, full of scamflackery Goldline nutlog and comparisons to Rosa Parks, the Wright brothers, and landing on the moon, will not do something to tamp growing skepticism:


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