Koch Brothers

Koch Brothers : Yesterday, the New Yorker published a devastating investigation by Jane Mayer describes the efforts of the Koch family gathering movement Tea Party and much of the modern infrastructure right. It is based off the original statement carried by ThinkProgress, some of which I've published here (see "Acid Rain promoting denial climate - more than 20 years before David Koch groups" polluter).

It builds off of a joint effort of the PT and the progress of climate to investigate the financing of an exhibition David Koch terrible Smithsonian Institute (see "Must-see video: polluter-funded Smithsonian exhibit whitewashes danger human-induced climate change: Money poster Koch and doubtful to the credibility of the entire museum staff and science on the line ").

Mayer interview me and the auditor shall follow-up. Indeed, this piece is doubly devastating because the New Yorker is one of the few magazines that remain major controls has a line by line. The whole piece is worth reading. The end of the story focuses on Smithsonian:

The David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, is a multimedia exploration of the theory that humanity evolved in response to climate change. At the main entrance, viewers are confronted with a giant chart mapping the Earth's temperature over the last ten million years, which notes that it is much cooler than ten thousand years. Overall, the text reads, "Humans have evolved in response to a changing world." The message, as specified by the Web site of the exhibition is that "key adaptations of humans evolved in response the instability of the environment. " Only at the end of the exhibition, entitled "Our survival challenge", it is noted that carbon dioxide levels are higher now than they ever were, and they expected to increase dramatically over the next century. No cause is given for this development, there is no mention of any possible role played by fossil fuel. The exhibition seem a natural part of a continuum. The accompanying text says: "During the period during which humans evolved, the Earth's temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuated together." An interactive game of the exhibition suggests that man will continue to adapt to climate change in the future. People can build "underground towns" developing "short, compact bodies" or "curved thorns," so that "move in confined spaces will be no problem."

These ideas echo the message strangely Koch. Bulletin of the company to employees in January, for example, argues that "the fluctuations of humanity past climate of the earth," and concludes: "Since we can not control nature, we will find a way to agree with amendments thereto. "Joseph Romm, a physicist who runs the website ClimateProgress.org, is furious at the presentation of the Smithsonian Institution." Exposure whole issue of climate whitewashes modern, "he said. "I think the Kochs wanted to be seen as a kind of aristocratic society, associated with the largest natural history and science museum in the country. But the truth is, exposure is underwritten by major polluters in time who are donors basement of action to stop the efforts to deal with this threat to mankind. I think that the Smithsonian should have drawn the line. "

Cristian Samper, director of the museum, said the exhibition is not about climate change, and Koch described as "one of the best donors, we've had in my tenure here, because he is very interested by content, but hands off completely. "He noted:" I do not know all the details of his involvement in other issues. "

The Kochs have long relied on the public not to know all the details about them. They just exploit what David Koch has called "the biggest company you've never heard of." But the rise of the Tea Party, and with increased awareness of the links to the Koch movement, the brothers are more difficult to divert the discussion. Recently, Obama has attacked the policy of the Koch network. Speaking at a Democratic National Committee fund-Raiser at Austin, he has warned fans that the recent decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Citizens United in case struck down laws banning direct corporate spending on campaigns, had made it even easier for large companies to hide behind "groups with benign names such as Americans for Prosperity." he said, "They did not say who, exactly, Americans for Prosperity. You do not know if it is a company under foreign control" or even, he added, "a large company oil. "


Shining the light on the polluters who are hiding under rocks while funding multiple efforts to misinform the public that the climate of progress and TP are all about (see "Report: Exxon Mobil outspends Koch Industries on climate and clean energy misinformation ").

In the rest of this post I will explain extract of April.

Two things are clear, if you visit America's first museum of "science" - the National Museum of Natural History. First, the Smithsonian minimizes or ignores the risks posed by climate change caused by humans in a number of pieces. Second, the worst of the exhibition is the David H. Koch Hall of human origins.

Yes, the Smithsonian took 15 million from a billionaire polluter - which is a donor even more confused about climate science as Exxon Mobil - to fund an exhibition on the evolution and deceptive climate change . See also the new post Think Progress "A" Grateful 'denies Smithsonian greenwashing "philanthropist" David H. Koch dirty money. "

main theme of the exhibition is that extreme climate change in the past, man is very adaptable, an interesting theory based on limited data and much speculation. But its huge default is that it leaves visitors with the distinct impression that man caused by global warming is no big deal - even though our understanding of the serious threat posed by global warming is based on measurement, research and much more data.

This embarrassing episode in the history of the Smithsonian raises serious questions about how big polluters can pursue another strategy to influence how the science of climate is communicated to the public (see "Is Big Oil to buy a climatic exposure sweetened Science Museum in London?)

Let's start with a video that Lee Fang Think Progress shooting some display piece, told by me:


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