Primary Day, Remember Who Voted For Obamacare: Complete List

Voting today? Voting soon? Voting in NOvember?

Let's make it a Hell NOvember for the fans of Obamacare. Yes, Obamacare. The gift that keeps on giving. American employers are already scared to hire new workers, in good part because of the burdens of Obamacare. Additionally, the 1099 reporting requirements will crush small business under an avalanche of tax paperwork. Can you imagine sending a 1099 form to Staples or the computer store? Yep. Wherever you spent more than $600, you will have to send a 1099 tax form, after scrambling around to find out the taxpayer ID number for each of these retail outlets. Nightmare!

Now that the damage has been done everyone wants to know who needs to be held accountable in November.


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