Tiger Woods
Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren finalized their divorce yesterday, but speculation has already begun over the details of the couple's former secret regulations.
According to court documents obtained by Access Hollywood divorce, the couple share custody of two Sam, 3, and 18-month-old Charlie. The first parents announced that they co-parent when they issued a press statement Monday, after news of their separation.
Click HERE to read the petition Nordegren for dissolution of marriage. Click HERE to read the waiver Tiger period.
Guard would have been a key issue for both Woods and Nordegren in their rules closely guarded secret, people reported.
Divorce lawyer Neal Hersh, who does not represent either party, told Access Hollywood that the agreement may even give Nordegren permission to take the nation's children.
"I would not be surprised if, for example, it has the right to take them to Sweden in the summers, Christmas or holiday or something like that," he said.
Nordegren just the place. She bought a property for $ 2 million waterfront near Stockholm last year, which has since been renovated.
The divorce papers also indicate that the couple has undergone parenting classes online, something Hersh has said is not uncommon.
"I do not know what the system is there, but obviously these are very high profile people and I'm sure if there was a method to do online that these two took advantage of that," he said .
As for the settlement Nordegren cash secret, it is speculated to pay Nordegren Woods is somewhere between the figures of $ 100 - $ 500 million, reported by both NBC's "Today" show and CBS 'The Early Show " .
Darren Rovell CNBC was surprised to see the British newspaper The Sun earlier suggest a number as high as $ 750.
"Tiger is the total net value of approximately one billion dollars in order to think she would be 75 percent of all the money he earned during his career of 14 years is stunning and not possible" , "he told Access Hollywood. "I do not expect the money to end more than 100 million dollars."
Earlier this summer, Forbes discredited theories that the divorce settlement worth 750 million dollars because they believe that Woods is worth 600 million dollars.
Nordegren silence is planned to be part of the agreement, but what it means for a person close to him could tell his story instead? Rovell said it was unlikely.
"There are a lot of money on the line here for those who violate the secrecy of this regulation, and they will be persecuted," he told Access.
Rovell warbled a jab at the newly single signature Woods, "available at Woods on Monday, noting that instead of Tiger Woods, it seemed that the golfer says" dude "policy.
"It almost makes it look like" dude shop "with a couple squiggles in between," he said.
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